FiFo accumulators

A First-in-First-out (FiFo) accumulator is developed to allow your production line to run efficiently when order of production is important. Sorted accumulation shortens production time, which is of great importance for maintaining the quality of perishable products.

A FiFo accumulator is modularly designed. We develop a FiFo accumolator based on the required length, the number of belts and the shape, size and weight of the packaging.

All lanes in the accumulator are driven separately and are transferred to the line of choice. Sorted accumulation will reduce the production time of the product in an optimal way.

FiFo accumulators


  • Improves the assurance of product quality
  • Length, width and number of lanes can be determined freely
  • Output up to 180 products/min
  • Contact free buffering (no damages)
  • Fixed product orientation (product remains enclosed)
  • Durable and low-maintenance
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